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Short-tempered spouse, suspected infidelity

Asked by Female, 32, Married
My short-tempered husband has stopped speaking to me after I suspected him of cheating with his married ex-girlfriend.
Thumb komal
Counseling Psychologist

Dealing with a short tempered person is itself not easy to begin with. To top it, you suspect him to be cheating on you with his ex who is now married. Since then he seems to have stopped talking with you.

To begin with, try to explore what made him stop talking with you. Is he hurt by you doubting on him or is it that he indeed is cheating on you and thus is trying to stay away from you to avoid further mess?
Ask yourself is he really cheating or is it your insecurities playing out?
To help you figure that, I am sharing with you an article that you might find helpful:

If you think that he has stopped talking because of you suspecting him, then there are ways you can work together on rebuilding the trust in your relationship:

Once you both begin to work on strengthening your relationship, you can begin to work on his temperament too.

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